All You Need Is Madhouse
Our music player is designed to provide an amazing listening experience for users. While enjoying DJ mixes, users can also explore live original music in real-time. This unique feature allows users to discover new tracks and experience the excitement of live music performances.

Unlimited Music, Live Events, and Social Interaction
DJ Music, Events, Social Chat & More!” is a cutting-edge music app for DJs and music enthusiasts. Enjoy DJ mix music, original DJ tracks, real-time music details, live events, social chat, and more. Create collections, boost music, and support DJs. Easy login, search, and subscription packages for an immersive music experience.

DJ Music, Events, Social Chat & More!” is a cutting-edge music app for DJs and music enthusiasts. Enjoy DJ mix music, original DJ tracks, real-time music details, live events, social chat, and more. Create collections, boost music, and support DJs. Easy login, search, and subscription packages for an immersive music experience.

Madhouse Mixes + Originals

Backed by AWS Streaming Services
Designed for Desktop & Mobile device

Our music player is designed to provide an amazing
listening experience for users. While enjoying DJ
mixes, users can also explore live original music in
real-time. This unique feature allows users to discover
new tracks and experience the excitement of live
music performances.
A fully renovated experience.
Music Streaming
Uninterrupted music streaming experience.

Music Streaming
Book DJ Artist for your
concerts & events.

Go Live
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Go live with music and invite friends for party.

Search Best DJ's
Search & follow best DJ’s all
around the world.

Get amazing experience
in Website.